Director, writer, editor, actor. Polish icon of independent cinema.
In 1990, together with colleagues from the settlement founded an amateur film group SKY Piastowskie that your account has won over a dozen feature films. Study default installation of the Polish National Film School in Lodz and runs a company that produces movies. He was nominated for„Paszportu Polityki”.
Adventure offem seriously, started with movie "Że życie ma sens", which was the first independent film available for digital distribution. He won the Grand Prix at the festival"Młodzi i film" in Koszalinie, as well as many other awards. The plan is still the second part of the film, which tells about the fate of members of the Sky Piastowskie.
The greatest success of Gregory and a group of Sky Piastowskie film was the 2004 „Dzień, w którym umrę”. This highly subjective, dynamic and above all, expressive, less than a 60 minute video offs dominate the scene in Poland nine years ago.
The last major film Gregory Lipca and Sky Piastowskie is "8 w poziomie". The film tells the story in the near future, where the dominant role then provides money, and the characters are capable of anything in order to reach your goal. Image has all the characteristics of group characteristics: torn installation, non-linear story and a lot of the film and the off dirt.
Among the awards Gregory July were:
Offskar (Polskie Nagrody Kina Niezależnego) for best editing.
Złota Kaczka (magazine "Film") for best off movie offowy; for year 2004
Poznań (MFF "Off Cinema") award "Br±zowy Zamek" in category Open
Gdynia (do 1986 Gdańsk) (Gdynia Film Festival) Grand Prix (Independent Cinema Competition) commented the expert jury: "movie in reckless and predatory form of questions about the limits of freedom of the individual"
Other awards for Lipiec and SKY Piastowski:
Białostocki Festiwal Filmów Fabularnych "PROJEKTOR'96" – Grand Prix and best directing (film "0,5l"); also nominated in 6 other category
„0,5l” was also shown on OFF at festival in Gdyni in 1997 year, and also represented the Polish independent film at the International Independent Film Review "INDIES'98" in Praga.
Koszalińskim Festiwalu Debiutów Filmowych "Młodzi i Film" - Grand Prix "Wielki Jantar" for film „Że życie ma sens” in 2001.
Grzegorz Lipiec na 5. Solanin Film Festiwal 2013 will hold a workshop on the installation and film formation of fringe production.
24/08/2013 :: 10:00-15:00 :: MIEJSKA BIBLIOTEKA PUBLICZNA